EMILY GIANGIULIO is a writer and educator from Philadelphia. In 2023, she received her M.F.A. in prose at the University of Washington, Seattle. She is the recipient of the Bentley MFA Award in Creative Writing for her fiction and the Dunn First-Year Teaching Award for her work as an instructor of composition and creative writing.

She graduated in 2020 from Bard College with a dual B.A. in Cultural Anthropology and Written Arts, where her long-form fiction received the Mary McCarthy Prize and her political ecology research the Franz Boas/Ruth Benedict Prize. Prior to teaching, she worked in varying capacities at a literary journal, an NYC literary agency, and an old school Italian deli.

Recent short fiction has appeared/is forthcoming in Bennington Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, and Nimrod International Journal. Stories have been nominated or shortlisted for the Pushcart prize, the Robert J. Dau/PEN prize, and the Masters Review Short Story Award. She is currently writing a speculative eco-fiction novel.